Sunday 15 February 2009


Over Christmas/Winter break, my grandmother's house flooded (she's dead, but Misha and I stay there a lot, partly to keep care of it).

This is the First burst:



The Second one:



Same pipe, but it burst at both ends. About 50 years back, it had burst in the exact same place (but of course, different pipe). There's a thermostat that's behind the refrigerator, but NO ONE remembers that. We all use the two obvious ones, but everyone forgot to turn up the third, which lead to the burst. So it's sort of all our faults.

I WISH I took photos of the house when water was POURING down everywhere. The ceiling was sagging, due to waterlogging, the stairs were drenched and were like a waterfall, the kitchen was like a swamp, and the art studio was damp (the water stopped RIGHT at the studio, so no paintings were harmed).

It was uh... Fun. It all happened at about 4am and I had to call my dad over, who was relatively sleepy, to turn off the water. Misha and I went to bed by 7am while my aunt (who owns the house) and my dad called plumbers and insurance.

Thankfully, Misha and I were there, otherwise the insurance would not have covered the damage (about $50,000, or was it $500,000?).

(Oh, and this was a heating pipe.)

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