Sunday 1 February 2009

College vs Food

So, I've been reading several food blogs lately. My dearest Misha, my boyfriend, can attest to that. Perhaps on the verge of insanity (he actually probably thinks I'm just really bored and clicking on the internet, but he's wrong. I'm processing information. Computing. Like a Mentat.)

JUST before college started again (Jan 25th), I made heart-shaped red velvet whoopie pies. They were good. A little sweet (and this was a general consensus from Michael, my dad, and my own opinion) but they were cool looking. I was worried I was using too much red dye, but it turned out beautiful (I wanted them RED, not that faint pink that you sometimes find with red velvet. I want my red velvet RED).

So now I've been looking around and trying to stake out places to cook. I asked an RA, who has been known to be kind and helpful, and he pointed out the basement kitchen, which has an oven. Before I thought I was purely tied to just boring old stove-tops and never able to bake a cookie or cake until I got home (which when I reached there, not done anything at all, lol). This has spurred me to make a food blog. In which I take a hint from other food blogs and do a twice-a-week thing. Of course, I probably won't have the tools for that for a while. I first need to buy things... Like pots. And pans. Damn. (I've been mildly tempted to take cooking lessons at the Williams-Sonoma store in Annapolis.)

I may decide to do this. I may not. RIVETING.

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