Wednesday 15 August 2007

Idiots' Books


A little while ago, I wandered into my local used bookseller. I get all my signed editions of Neil Gaiman from him. (And we all know that's very important.)

For a very long time, a month I think, I have noticed Idiots' Books painted on the window. Finally, after several travels to random states, I entered and asked what this sign was about. He told me that the Idiots' Books were a local budding book publisher. An illustrator and writer joined together and began producing books, monthly. Matthew Swanson and Robbi Behr produce their books by themselves, so you get very interesting results. The book I own is Ten Thousand Stories. I like it a lot.

If those of you are interested for these books for your kids, well... they're not quite for that. They're not like Pan's Labyrinth, but they're closer to Stardust. A strange comparison. So much that it MAY be enjoyable for children, it isn't what these books seem to be for. Especially very young children. I could have enjoyed them amusedly (but not quite understandably) when I was ten. Of course I had a weird childhood, see post below. I would suggest getting some of these. I rather liked Ten Thousand Stories. The art was very intriguing and marvellous. Brilliant.

I, when I remember, read Idiot's Box. This is Robbi's blog. Nice and funny woman. I'd suggest reading it.

I find this most strange, I'm used to a small tiny town with no one quite famous (perhaps our resident writer, Peter Heck, which I am embarrassed to say I have never read his books), but I could, when walking into the Book Plate (the used and signed bookseller), run into Robbi or Matthew. A lot of times the authors of books I read are unreachable (a fair few are dead) and this is mildly disconcerting but makes going into town a little more exhilarating. I do not know what I would want to say to them. Hmmm...

I was always a very bad journalist.

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