Saturday 20 January 2007

Step up and enjoy the show.

So, this is the pilot of a new blog. It seems as though I am creating a collection every few months. First my livejournal, than Never Wonder Nights and now this (thankfully this is only an ammendment to Never Wonder Nights and not a completely new blog). This will, most likely, contain a lot of the same information of my livejournal.

This is still in 'construction'. As you can see, there are no links up. I'm not sure why not, but I'll figure that out eventually. ((As a small note, Never Wonder Nights is still in slight construction)). I would love to figure out how to cut long posts. Perhaps it is not even possible on blogger, but Never Wonder Nights posts are always so long and it is hard to navigate. I also need to add a few links. I need to add the Suite 21 link (that would be a writing club I belong to... even if it seems to not reallybe going anywhere) and my librarythings page (for those wondering, go here. I personally like librarythings). Besides all of that, I have been trying to figure out RSS feeds. I would love to put this up on livejournal. Perhaps that would actually mean people reading these things. This is probably a small hope, but maybe, just maybe, it might not be.

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